7 Ways to Grow Email List Subscribers For Free

Learn about some of the best strategies that you can use to build and grow your email list subscribers the fastest way possible and for free.

What is an Email List?  

An email list is a group of emails of people who have subscribed to your content. It might be they subscribed to your product promotions, weekly startup newsletter, or blog post updates.

1| Write Great Content 

Writing great content is one of the best and fastest way of growing your email list. No one would want to come back to a website with low-quality content. It is as simple as that. Write high quality and attractive content and you will have people wishing to read more articles from you. 

2| Subscription forms  

After creating great content, the next thing you will need is a subscription form. This is what will be used to capture new subscribers. The most important field in a subscription form is the email field. You can create a subscription form with only the email field or add other fields like Names, Country, Zip Code, and Company. Having more fields in a subscription form is important when it comes to email list segmentation. However, it is recommended that you only have the email field. Most people are not comfortable with providing too much information about themselves in subscription forms and therefore having too many fields might reduce your subscription rate. 

Below is a list of different types of subscription forms that you can use to build your email list.  
  1. Slide-in Subscription Form: This is a sign-up form that slides in at the footer of your website without disrupting the user as he reads your content.  
  2. Exit intent Pop up: This is a subscription form that is designed to pop up when a user shows intentions of leaving a page. Exit intent pop up uses mouse movement triggers to appear. 
  3. Popup signup form: This is a subscription form that is triggered by time settings. It can appear once a user lands on a page or after some seconds depending on your time settings. 
  4. Notification bar: This is a subscription form that is available at the top or bottom bar of your website. They are not triggered by any actions. A good example of a notification bar is the one created by the Hello Bar WordPress plugin. 
  5. Embedded Sign up forms: These are JavaScript or HTML forms that you can embed in your widget, above content, inside content, after content, or before the footer. Most email marketing platforms like Convertkit, Aweber, Drip, ActiveCampaign, and Mailchimp have form builders that you can use to build and customize HTML sign up form without any coding skills.

3| Facebook Signup button

You can use your website’s Facebook page to convert your fans to email list subscribers. Go to your Facebook page, click on the add button that is available on your Facebook page at the bottom right side of the cover image. Then select sign up and add your email list subscription link. Your fans can now click on the sign-up button and they will be redirected to a page where they can subscribe to join your mailing list. You can grow your email list with this approach with or without a website.

4| Lead Magnet 

A lead magnet is a premium product that you offer to your readers for free so that they can join your email list. Examples of a lead magnet include an eBook, a course, membership offers, etc. (Learn more about Lead Magnet). Below is an example of a lead magnet that is offered by optinmonster

5| Free Membership

You can let users subscribe for free to read to your case study articles that are data-driven. Articles that readers cannot ignore to subscribe to. This method is only ideal after you have developed authority in your niche.  

6| Comment Post Subscription 

You can add a checkbox above your comment button that asks users who want to comment on your post to accept to be notified of new posts via email. That way, they will have subscribed to your email list.

7| Contact form email Subscription 

Your contact page is one of the most visited pages by users who want to interact with you. You can use the contact form to capture subscribers by adding a checkbox that lets users who want to contact you know that their email address will be added to your email list. 

Final Verdict

All the methods of growing your email list mentioned above are easy to implement if your website is powered by WordPress. All you need is to go to the WordPress plugin repository and search for a plugin using the subtopics provided in the article and install